Thursday, August 21, 2008

From the Field

I got stood up last night.


I don't think he did it intentionally. I went early, and met up with FruggieChick and Sinister (my best friend and her husband). We went to the restaurant early, the plan being that they would stay until he showed. 7:30 came and went, all the way to 8:15 before we left.

I got home around 9:30 and sent an email. Nothing mean, just a simple "Where have you gone, Little Boy Blue?"

He says he got there at 7:20 and waited in his car until a little after 8:00 to leave. He said he left because he didn't see me go in. The jury is still out on that one.

I've been doing the online dating thing, well, for a long time. I can't even count anymore how many dates I've been on. And because of my habit of giving nicknames, I don't even remember most of their names. Part of it is my need to give every frickin' person a chance. Part of it is boredom. Oy, do I have some stories! Someday I will tell you them.

One for the road:

I met a guy who seemed cool. He was a little younger than me, like 23 to my 25. Into history and such, worked for one of the cable companies. Potential. I took FruggieChick as my wingman. We met him at a bar where a friend of his was doing karaoke. The evening declined quickly, much to FruggieChick's entertainment.

He made me sing karaoke. This is something I normally don't need much persuading to do, but on that night, I didn't wanna. He made me sing "Love Song" from Moulin Rouge. Asshole...

He also licked my face. Honest to blog (literally), he licked the side of my face. That's it! Game over, thanks for playing.

Hence was born the Licker. Not a clue anymore what his name was, not that it matters.

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